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Large Knowledge Model - The Best Knowledge from Books

Large Knowledge Model Project Summary & Markets/Products

People need trusted knowledge from verified sources now more than ever. 

American Data Processing, Inc. has been publishing resources since 1960, leading to our latest project, Large Knowledge Model. We can help solve this challenge.


Our Large Knowledge Model (LKM) utilizes Artificial Intelligence to bring the best of Human Intelligence from trusted and verifiable content in the 250,000 best books in the Library of Congress*. The books are written by the most knowledgeable 100,000 authors to assure the highest quality content for readers and researchers. 

Please review the enclosed Project Summary and our website to learn how we use technology, including Artificial Intelligence Applications, to develop our Large Knowledge Model and its supporting modules for the best in human intelligence with 1. Search & Chat, 2. Learning & Exploring, 3. Predictive Analytics. 

The Large Knowledge Model, with its highest quality content, will improve:  

  • Education & Research 

  • Generative AI & Search Engines 

  • Predictive Analytics 

  • Enterprise & Software Platforms 

  • Artificial General Intelligence 


Our Large Knowledge Model is a significant advancement over other Large Language Models because we use only trusted and verified content that has been vetted through multiple strict editorial processes. 

The Large Knowledge Model offers our unique modules:  

  • Advance Learning Module – An interactive, dynamic new way to gain knowledge.  

  • Predictive Knowledge Module – Helps forecast outcomes from possible & probable scenarios. 

  • Knowledge Search Database – What you need to know before you know you need it. 

  • Knowledge Alerts – New Knowledge delivered to you as new books are added to the LKM. 

  • The Knowledge Terminal will enable users to curate, organize and prioritize knowledge according to their criteria and needs. 


I would like to explore a strategic partnership and would appreciate being connected to the appropriate team and its senior management. I look forward to communicating with your team by email or phone at your earliest convenience. 

Disclaimer: The Large Knowledge Model has no affiliation with the Library of Congress, and we only use the Public Domain Library of Congress Classification System and the MARC (MAchine Readable Cataloging) available from the Bibliographic Access Division.


© American Data Processing, Inc.

Publisher of data resources for knowledge since 1960

*Disclaimer: The Large Knowledge Model has no affiliation with the Library of Congress, and we only use the Public Domain Library of Congress Classification System and the MARC (MAchine Readable Cataloging) available from the Bibliographic Access Division.

© American Data Processing, Inc.

 Publisher of data resources for knowledge since 1960

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