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Large Knowledge Model Process - Phase 5 - Basic Search & Chat
Our search questions and chat offers a unique hierarchical structure that allows for basic answers with bibliographic citations to book title and specific chapters.

LKM – Basic Search & Chat

Ask a question, start a dialogue in the way you would prefer to get answers.  Our guidance feature will prompt you with an opportunity to ask a more focused question for additional knowledge.


Question 1: What will the future look like?

Answer 1: The future will not look much like the past. Some aspects will remain constant, geography, humans need for food, water, and shelter. But other aspects are in fluctuation and will be determined by variables not constants. The future will change at the rate that these variables intersect and are allowed and encouraged to progress. Mathematics will be used to measure the constants and the variables and will offer the first opportunity for predictive knowledge. We have deduced this from abstracts in over 1,560 chapters in our Large Knowledge Model Database based on The Best Books in the Library of Congress.

Ask a more specific question or add a subject, topic, or author’s name for more knowledge.

Question 2: What does Michio Kaku say?

Answer 2: While nobody can accurately predict the future, it is possible to gain insight into the future by asking questions and gleaning information from the scientists, dreamers and thinkers who are working hard today to invent new technologies and systems that will change our world.

Chapter 00 – Introduction, page 3

Title: Physics of the Future

Author: Kaku, Michio

LC Classification: Q175.5.K275 2001 Science- General

Question 3: What does Philosophy say?

Answers 3: from a Philosophy book

People, because they have access to information everywhere, will soon be overwhelmed with “factual knowledge,” and yet still have a need for wisdom. The world will be run by “synthesizers,” people who can put together the right pieces of information at critical times, thinking and deciding wisely.

Chapter 12 -To What End, page 269

Title: Consilience: Unity of Knowledge

Author: Wilson, Edward O.

LC Classification: B72.W54 1998

Question 4: What does Judaism and Catholicism say?

Answer from a Catholicism book

The Catholic Church could be in the position to become a major influence in the world. The Church should be able to leave behind old, outdated conventions and debates that detract from its true message. It needs to adapt to a changing world and “harness its resources.” Catholics are advised to learn new ways of thinking and acting in order to succeed in the future world.


Chapter 00 – Introduction, page 6

Title: The future church: how ten trends are revolutionizing the Catholic Church

Author: John L. Allen Jr.

LC Classification: QP385.K87 2012


Answer from a Judaism book

It is risky to make assertions about how the future will look. According to the Talmud, predicting the future is a foolish endeavor. The Jewish community is being led to the future by visionary leaders who will guide us to a future filled with vibrant Jewish culture. The challenge will be where traditional Jewish life can find a place in a changing society.


Chapter 1 - Jewish Megatrends, Page 38

Title: Jewish megatrends: charting the course of the American Jewish future

Author: Rabbi Sidney Schwarz

LC Classification: BM205.J495 2013

Disclaimer: The Large Knowledge Model has no affiliation with the Library of Congress, and we only use the Public Domain Library of Congress Classification System and the MARC (MAchine Readable Cataloging) available from the Bibliographic Access Division.


© American Data Processing, Inc.

Publisher of data resources for knowledge since 1960

*Disclaimer: The Large Knowledge Model has no affiliation with the Library of Congress, and we only use the Public Domain Library of Congress Classification System and the MARC (MAchine Readable Cataloging) available from the Bibliographic Access Division.

© American Data Processing, Inc.

 Publisher of data resources for knowledge since 1960

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