LKM Large Knowledge Model
Explore the Large Knowledge Model and get the Highest Quality Knowledge
from the 250,000 Best Books in the Library of Congress*
Large Knowledge Model Process - Phase 3
Scan and Digitize the contents of 250,000 of The Best Books in The Library of Congress *
Digitizing books is necessary to control the content for Large Language Model processing and analysis, including searchability, consistency, annotation, and sharing. These benefits can make it easier to analyze and interpret the content of books and can facilitate the editorial process in training the Large Language Model and collaboration among the editorial team. The results digital library is the Best Books in the Library of Congress* BBLC - Digital Collections

Best Books in the Library of Congress Collection* BBLC- Digital Collections.
American Data Processing publishing experience:
As one of the early Google Books Partners, we republished several major series of book collections with over 5,000 of the Best Books in the Library of Congress Collection* BBLC- Digital Collections.
Published by Reprint Services/ Classic Books/ The Best Books – Digital Editions: CD-ROM, Google Books
American and British Authors Series (900 Volumes) - Republished the complete works of most of 18th and 19th Century’s Greatest American & British Authors including: Shakespeare, HG Wells, Robert Lewis Stevenson, Mark Twain etc.
The American Guide Series – State & City Travel Guides (56 Volumes)
Smithsonian Institute, Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletins (200 Volumes)
Native America Studies Series (250 Volumes)
Works of US President – Washington to Biden (480 Volumes)
US History Series – BCL E-F (200 Volumes)
Music Series: BCL ML:MT (150 Volumes)
Early Science & Technology Series: (120 Volumes)
American Autobiographies Series (500 Volumes)

Disclaimer: The Large Knowledge Model has no affiliation with the Library of Congress, and we only use the Public Domain Library of Congress Classification System and the MARC (MAchine Readable Cataloging) available from the Bibliographic Access Division.
© American Data Processing, Inc.
Publisher of data resources for knowledge since 1960