LKM Large Knowledge Model
Explore the Large Knowledge Model and get the Highest Quality Knowledge
from the 250,000 Best Books in the Library of Congress*
Large Knowledge Model Process - Phase 2
Select, classify, and prioritize the best 250,000 books
Selecting the best 250,000 books by the most knowledgeable 100,000 authors assures the highest quality content for readers and researchers. By focusing on books written by knowledgeable authors, and selecting books that are well-researched, accurate, and have had a significant impact on their field, a curated selection of books can be created that meets the criteria for quality. Such a selection would provide readers with a high-quality resource that they can rely on for accurate and influential knowledge.
The Best of Human Intelligence from 100,000 Authors, Scholars & Experts

Library of Congress
Classification Schedule

Library of Congress
Classification Schedule

The Knowledge Pyramid – contains the selected, classified and prioritized abstracted knowledge from 250,000 of The Best Books in the Library of Congress. This is stored in our Knowledge Pyramid.
Knowledge-Pyramid – www.knowledge-pyramid.net and guides readers and researchers through the knowledge cumulation process.
American Data Processing publishing experience:
Over 200 subject bibliographies based the Library of Congress Classification* System.
Website: https://www.bestbookson-judaism.com

Printed Books & eBooks

Available from:
Amazon.com, BN.com & Google Books.
Disclaimer: The Large Knowledge Model has no affiliation with the Library of Congress, and we only use the Public Domain Library of Congress Classification System and the MARC (MAchine Readable Cataloging) available from the Bibliographic Access Division.
© American Data Processing, Inc.
Publisher of data resources for knowledge since 1960